We will accept nearly any format you have available and our team can convert it to a printable format. For best results, we recommend using vector artwork…
Even if you’re missing the original art file, we can help you out! Our team can redraw your logo or design and make it look just like the original.
We will be more than happy to accept whatever file you have available, even if it’s a jpeg. Raster images like jpeg’s can look great when printed if they are saved as…
Absolutely! We have a wonderful in-house graphic design team who can help you achieve the look you want for your stickers. Give us whatever info you have…
Press-ready pdf’s are a great way to transfer your print files. These files will contain everything we need to print a quality image. In this 5-step tutorial, we’ll show you…
Die cut stickers are not required to have a white border. However, the white border can add a visual element that helps the main message of the sticker stand out.